

In addition to a complaint for the realization of rights based on compliance, you can also file a complaint due to an incorrectly calculated price and other defects.

You can file a complaint:

  • in writing,
  • electronically to the email address with the mandatory delivery of proof of purchase and the product – the goods advertised.

We will confirm the receipt of the complaint electronically, that is, we will announce the number under which your complaint was filed in the Registry of Received Complaints.

You will receive an answer to the complaint electronically immediately, and no later than within 8 days from the day of receipt of the complaint. The deadline for resolving complaints will not be longer than 15 days from the day the complaint is submitted.

Extension of the deadline for resolving complaints is possible only once. If you are unable to provide us with the packaging of the goods, this will not be a condition for resolving the complaint or a reason for refusing to remove the non-conformity.

You can download the complaint form below

The form

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